
Stay Fit with the Active Breaks App

We know how hard it is to find motivation for staying physically active when working full-time & taking care of family. To make use of the small breaks at work add the Active Breaks app to your MS Teams. Completely free to use to make your breaks at work more active.

See Features

MS Teams App

Active Breaks Demo

The Active Breaks helps you make better use of the breaks at work. No mather whether in office or at home the app helps you get movement and re-vitalize yourself.

  • Combat sedentary lifestyle
  • Re-vitalize yourself for heavy thought
  • Feel good about it
“Having a healthy lifestyle is a must for me so having an app integrated into the office space is really helpful.”
Kristjan LiivaLead UI Dev, Caruso GmbH
Honest Opinion

Let's align the expectations

Will it replace my training?

Absolutely not. Active Breaks is like a food suppliment; it is there not to replace your whole diet, but rather add a small improvement to your health during a time when we rarely get movement otherwise.

Will I look fitter?

I would be surprised if you do, but I wish you luck. In order to achieve significant changes to your physical appearance add at least two 1 hour long sessions per week with weights! To my knowledge there is no 5-minute shortcut to aesthetic physique.

Will I lose weight?

Sure, you will burn some calories, but real weight adjustment is done in the kitchen. Not even many hours of rigorous exercise can undo excessive eating, let alone light activity during breaks.

Is it still worth it?

Of course. It won't make you an athlete, but every exercise you can consistently do improves your well being in the long run and this is what Active Breaks is about. Extra movement for people with a desk job.

About Us

Hi, there

At Active Breaks we are your usual office workers. We have our 9-5 daily jobs that require us to sit at the computer for long hours followed up by family time and hobbies.

What unites us is the common understanding and desire to be healthier throughout life. Health is something that has to be maintained continously and years of neglect is impossible to undo by being active later. However, we know first hand how tricky it is to find time and motivation for exercise.

And so the Active Breaks idea came from a personal need after experimenting with different equipment and training plans. In the Active Breaks app, we connected the short burst of workout with the work schedule and social circle of colleagues. We really tried to make it engaging and fun for an individual as well as the whole team. We hope you enjoy it.

Get In Touch

If you want to learn more about the app, but the best way is to just try it out.
